Brooklyn 99 Halloween I - Reflection

 A shot from the Brooklyn 99 episode: Halloween I

The Halloween episodes of Brooklyn 99 are undoubtedly some of the best in the show (if they aren't then they totally are to me). The first one starts the long saga of the Halloween Heists. In this one, Jake promises Holt that he will be able to take Holt's Medal of Valour. While this one isn't my favourite of the Halloween episodes it certainly started the legacy of amazing Halloween episodes.

I like to think that the purpose of these episodes is to have something fun and very different in the series. All of the Halloween episodes seem to have a very different vibe to all of them. It's like we see a different side to some of the characters, especially Holt. It's very strange to see Holt acting differently to how he normally is, but I guess that's part of the appeal of these Halloween episodes. It also gives us a break from the normal episodes, where sometimes the plot can be a bit heavier. After this first episode, the purpose of the Halloween episode is, of course, to become one of the best running gags in the show.

During the episode, Peralta continually tries to outsmart Holt. Holt throughout this believes that he is still in possession of his Medal of Valour. Throughout the episode, Peralta does a series of stupid things that Holt believes are meaningless. However, it turns out that Peralta has actually got the rest of the precinct helping him out to win. And when Charles shows up with Holt's Medal of Valour before time's up it shows that Peralta can actually do things if he puts his mind to it. It shows that Peralta can organize things, think things through (with the help of others), and do teamwork. Even if in the later episode Peralta is outsmarted, this first episode allows Jake to get some respect from Holt.

Personally, I've watched all the way up to the end of season 4 of the show, so I have plenty of episodes to compare it to. So to be fair to this episode, I'll compare it against the first four Halloween episodes. In my ranking of Halloween episodes, it's probably ranked second. Behind Halloween II only because of Halloween I's predictability. Although Halloween II has predictability, it's a tad bit less predictable because we think that the squad is helping Peralta. It feels unfair comparing it to the regular episodes in the first season since it clearly stands out so much from the rest. Plot-wise it's pretty good for a plot exclusively within one episode, and even though it's simple, it's quite engaging.


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