Jumanji (1995) - Reflection

Just before I start this reflection I missed out on the first half of the film, so there's probably some important stuff I missed. For me personally, this is the only Jumanji I've seen as I haven't seen the new one, but I reckon it would be interesting to see the how each movie is different.

One of the things I noticed while watching the movie is the CGI animals that show up in the film, especially after the boy tries to finish the game and then transforms into a monkey. Those monkeys, as well as the other animals, certainly haven't aged well. They look very out of place in comparison to everything, although these effects haven't aged well we have improved our CGI animals in movies as seen in the live action Jungle Book movie. The same would go for when the boy turns into a monkey although it's impressive it falls into some area of the uncanny valley. However, the vines are probably one of the most well-aged effects they look good and are sort of realistic and they fit in with the movie.

I never saw this movie as a young kid so I can't say if it would scare me and I'm not sure if it would have. This is sort of the second time I've seen it, as I've never seen the movie completely seen the movie, only ever the last half of it. I can see how this movie could be scary for other people, but me personally I didn't find it scary.

The message of the movie is a bit unclear as I never saw the start of the movie (as if I haven't said that many times before). At the end of the film once they complete the game they are sent back to when they started the game and the adults are now back to being kids. They had quite obviously aged a lot while they were in the game and there was a constant theme of wanting to finish the game. So judging by how that sentence is hammered in I suppose the message is 'Finish what you started.'


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