Shrek - Reflection

So it turns out that this is the first time I've seen the entirety of Shrek 1, I'm 14 and have only just seen all of Shrek 1. Because when I was a kid all I saw was Shrek 2 since we owned that on DVD, so I was never exposed to Smash Mouth's All-Star until it became a massive meme. Now I'm doing a reflection on this film after seeing it for the first time.

Shrek has plenty of pop culture reference in it and I think it makes the whole thing a lot cooler. While it's not in the Ready Player One level of references, it's always super cool to see something that you recognise in another film. I think that it adds to the story as it makes it a lot more exciting, but I can see why other people may think that it distracts from the story. Mainly because they may start thinking, where have I seen that before and then miss part of the story. Ultimately I think having pop culture references in Shrek makes the movie a lot better.

Hallejuah is used in the movie after Fiona is taken by Farquaad so he can marry her. The song has a lot of emotion in it (or maybe that's just me because I feel like crying each time I hear it) although the singer that was used in Shrek didn't have as much as other singers, it can still convey Shrek's emotion and how he feels at that moment in time. Some of the lyrics could also be interpreted as how Farquaad took Fiona away. The lyrics are in general pretty deep, but now I know what the actually is about I am scarred for life.

Shrek is a classic among both adults and children, the main reason why children probably like it is that it's a children's movie and there are plenty of your favourite fairytale characters featured in the movie. And a reason adults probably enjoy it is that it's full of jokes that only the adult and teens would get, Ranker has a comprehensive list of the jokes make in all of the films. And the reason everyone was waiting for the memes, Shrek has spawned a plethora of amazing memes. From All-Star to the way Shrek pronounces Donkey there's a meme for everyone. Those memes gave Shrek a wider audience thus making it popular among many different audiences.


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