Shrek - Reflection

So it turns out that this is the first time I've seen the entirety of Shrek 1, I'm 14 and have only just seen all of Shrek 1. Because when I was a kid all I saw was Shrek 2 since we owned that on DVD, so I was never exposed to Smash Mouth's All-Star until it became a massive meme. Now I'm doing a reflection on this film after seeing it for the first time. Shrek has plenty of pop culture reference in it and I think it makes the whole thing a lot cooler. While it's not in the Ready Player One level of references, it's always super cool to see something that you recognise in another film. I think that it adds to the story as it makes it a lot more exciting, but I can see why other people may think that it distracts from the story. Mainly because they may start thinking, where have I seen that before and then miss part of the story. Ultimately I think having pop culture references in Shrek makes the movie a lot better. Hallejuah is used in the movie after Fio...