Adventure Time Reflection

Describing Adventure Time to somebody who has never seen it before has gotten increasingly harder as the series has gone on. In the first few seasons, you probably could have said, 'A boy and his dog go on wacky adventures.' When we watched it, we jumped straight into season 9, and I was surprised to see that Fin had a robotic hand. Last time I saw Adventure Time, he had two completely normal hands, and now he has a robotic hand. Without watching the prior seasons, there is no explanation as to why he has this. Similar to what I said in my Steven Universe reflection, it starts off with a fairly simple idea which evolves into a bigger and deeper storyline the more popular it becomes. So if I were to be explaining to a first timer, I would probably say: A boy and his dog go on wacky adventures, which lead to relationships, sad scenes, loss of limbs and deep plotline. Seeing where the series is now, it's best to start with episode 1, rather than whatever episode is currently playing on TV.

Adventure Time is definitely one of those shows that easily falls under multiple genres. Well, the easiest genre to pick out has got to be adventure seeing it's the title of the show. You'd hope there's adventure in it, and it delivers. Another quite obvious one is fantasy when we've got all these crazy characters like vampires, talking hot dogs, a talking video game console, a walking, talking lemon, then it's impossible to say that it's not fantasy. While there's isn't as many dragons as say Skyrim, Adventure Time has a fair amount of magic as well. Another thing Adventure time has lots of is comedy. While the show does sometimes have dark themes, there's always one character to lighten up the mood. Whether it's through fart jokes or more normal humour, there are many different ways Adventure Time is able to achieve an interesting joke. Even using Ice King as a consistently comical character.

We watched the first five episodes of season nine, which from what I can remember starts off with a Baseball match with Fin, PB and possibly some other characters. Then I think it goes to Fin having some PTSD while fighting a monster in the forest, which leads to Fin and another character finding Princess Bubblegum's guards trapped in a cave. Then in a later episode, Ice King and BMO do some door-to-door sales-manning, which ends up with the pair selling Fin's baby teeth off to some weird wizard. This selling of Fin's baby teeth shows up in another episode where the strange wizard man has used them to create tiny single teethed replicas of Fin. Princess Bubblegum realizes that this strange wizard person is, in fact, one of her relatives. She then begins to detail the story of her youth.

Just within this very bad description of what happened in the episodes we watched, you can see that there is certainly some sort of storyline surrounding Princess Bubblegum's family. And the way Adventure Time shows the storyline is very interesting. Instead of spending 5 episodes focusing on the same thing, Adventure Time does it by focusing the episode on something else, like a rap battle, but somewhere in the episode, the overarching storyline will have some plot added to it even if it's only 1 minute covering the topic.

Like Steven Universe, Adventure time has very similar themes. While it's primarily a children's show made to sell toys, the plot does sometimes get very deep and possibly hard for a young child to comprehend. So again it's one of those shows that is initially a children's show, but then it moves up into and eventually becomes more of a tween/teens show.


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