Brooklyn 99 - Reflection

I've talked about Brooklyn 99 before on this blog, but I haven't yet talked about the pilot episode of the series. The pilot episode of a show is one the most important episodes, it's meant to set up the show and get viewers interested and the pilot for Brooklyn 99 does exactly that (it's what made me want to watch the rest of the show so clearly it did a good job).

The episode was mainly structured to set up for the rest of the series. It introduced to all the characters with short descriptions of each and it showed two different crime scenes to show the crew working together. I think it was very important that they introduced all of the characters, as without the knowledge of who everyone is, it makes the show feel a bit empty. All the characters were introduced quickly with memorable scenes (that are all in the opening so you can remember them). This made it quick and easy to remember everyone and to choose a favourite.

Rosa is easily one of my favourite characters in the show. Just from the first episode, we don't learn much about her, but at the same time, we learn a lot. We learn through an interaction with Charles and Gina that Rosa is interested in old films. And then when Captain Holt asks about the members of the precinct Rosa is described as tough, smart, hard to read and scary, really scary. Rosa seems to have just a friendly relationship with Charles, not much is know about any of her other relationships. One of her main physical attributes is show when Terry is doing a rundown of the precincts members, the camera switches to her and she is seen destroying her monitor. Rosa is shown to be very strong.

During the episode we see many different flashbacks like Holt arresting the disco strangler or the multiple times it flashes back to the old captain. These allow us to learn about the characters without them needing to say it or be present. We learn about the nine-nines old captain and his nature of not really caring about what his detectives do. Some of them also give us more context for jokes and things the characters say, like Holt's disco strangler.


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