Community: Modern Warfare - Reflection

Compared to many of the other shows I've reflected on Community is one I haven't seen before, so modern warfare is my first experience of the show. Personally, I wouldn't say this episode is one of the best episodes to show a newcomer to the series since it's pretty hard to get a grip on who the characters are and what's going on.

The episode mainly revolves around the school having a paintball fight about who should win the prize, with the prize being a Blu-Ray DVD player, but that was stolen so it was changed to 'TBD' (later revealed to be priority registration). The genre that the episodes represent is very clearly action with multiple references to other action movies such as Die Hard and The Matrix. Whether the episode slots in with another movie genre I'm not quite sure.

One of the movie references I picked up while watching the episode was the Die Hard reference (although it was thanks to the Brooklyn 99 character Jake Peralta's love for Die Hard that I picked this one up). When Jeff is confronting the dean he has a gun taped to his back which he pulls out to have a surprise attack on the dean. Another one I picked up on was the Matrix reference in which Abed jumps off the wall in order to save a fellow member of the study group, Jeff. This is him impersonating Neo's same move that was performed in The Matrix. Here's one I didn't pick up on, it's another coming from Abed. In fact, it's right after Abed's Matrix wall run. He says to Jeff "Come with me if you don't want to get paint on your clothes." This is referencing Terminator with the original line being "Come with me if you want to live."

Unfortunately, I didn't see the other paintball episode so I can't compare it with this episode and I don't have Stan either so I can't watch it in my own time either.


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