Thor Ragnarok - Relfection

Marvel movies are great, and I've pretty much seen all of the ones that have come out in the last 4 years, besides a few like the X-Men and Captain America. This means I'm sitting on the release of the Disney streaming service and I'm reading a fair few of the Marvel Now! comics. But me catching up on all of the comics (and waiting for the Young Avengers to be put into the MCU) isn't important here. What is important is last years Thor Ragnarok.

Just visually Thor Ragnarok is very bright, and not many other MCU/ DC movies have been that colourful, well besides one which would be the Guardians movies. Since I haven't seen the other Thor movies, I'm not sure what the humour is like in them, but the humour used in the movie is similar to the style used in most of the other MCU films, and the addition of Korg just makes everything better. Describing this movie to someone who has never seen it before is basically Guardians meet Asgard and then Thor joins a fight club, and btw Thor and Loki's sister (strictly speaking Loki's daughter) is there, and she's going to murder everyone because why not. It's probably not the best description, but I think it gives the feel and jist of the film pretty well.

Although the movie is called Thor: Ragnarok this film definitely has an amazing ensemble cast and everyone has their place in the story. Even though it's within the Thor movie series of the MCU, if it had focused solely on Thor, the movie would certainly be not as interesting. If the movie had focused on Thor, we probably wouldn't have gotten to learn anything about the movie's brand new character, Valkarie. And she's such an interesting character so it would have been such shame if they didn't have any development for her. Same would also go for Loki. If they had focused on Thor, we would have never seen Loki come around and essentially become a good guy. And in general, if the movie just focused on developing Thor, it probably wouldn't have been as good.

As for which story arc Thor: Ragnarok is I would say it's probably Overcoming the Monster. Overcoming the Monster is described as overcoming something, whether it be an actual monster, an addiction or anything that can be defeated by the hero/ heroes of the story. The monster is initially seen as Ragnarok, but then also Hela (the movie says that's Thor and Loki's sister, the comics say differently) is seen as a villain. Thus giving the movie some monsters to overcome, even though the first monster kind of overcomes the second monster. And then's also the Grandmaster, he's another character that the Gang has to overcome.

During two of the big action scenes, "Immigrant Song" by Led Zeppelin plays. Normally the band doesn't allow people to use their actual songs meaning people then have to use covers. However, Marvel managed to get to use the song twice in the movie (God knows what they paid to get to use it). Ultimately it makes the scenes super amazing. It's like the scenes suddenly become more powerful. It 100% adds to the film and makes those scenes so much better.


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