The Boat - A Reflection on a Hypertext Narrative

I think that the medium they used helped the story. The art style and the animation helped give a feel for what was happening, for example, is there was smoke in a scene then art on the sides would rise up to make it look like it was smoke or if the water was very harsh then the text would go from side to side. Although at sometimes I am unable to identify which character is which because of the art style.

The pros of The Boat being a digital narrative is that it may be more entertaining to view than if were just words on a page. With the animation and sound it makes it a lot more immersive then if it didn't, it will also help get story more traffic. Dotted around the chapter are a few small side stories which allow people to get a deeper experience then they would with a normal story.

One of the cons for the story is that because of some of the text moving a lot it may hard for people with dyslexia to read, especially during chapter one where the text rocks from side to side. Another con is that because we don't get to know the characters/ people all that well it is sometimes hard to identify which character is in what panel.

I don't think The Boat really needs to be presented in another medium. If it were to be a live action it would have the same dramatic feel as all of the other 'based on a true story' live actions which would make it not stand out as much. But I feel like an animated short in the same art style would bring it some popularity as we have seen in the past with other animated shorts. Ultimately the way it is presented is very well done and will hopefully get it noticed. I wouldn't mind seeing it in a graphic novel format, it would be harder to get the same impact but it would look super pretty.

Did I enjoy the story? I'm not quite sure as I was reading through the entire thing kind of quickly. As I found it boring I couldn't fully comprehend as well as I would have another book. The reason I probably found it boring was that I didn't particularly enjoy the genre the story was in as I prefer Fantasy or Sci-Fi over anything. For example, another book that I'm reading the moment I'm comprehending quite well, but another one not so well.

Even though I didn't enjoy the story itself I enjoyed how it was told. It was a very unique way of capturing it as it could really show the horror of what was going on. Overall I think has a great story, but it just did immerse me as much as it would have another person.


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